Greedy corporate interests have been lying to us for centuries. Here's an illustrated, entertaining road map for navigating through their hypocrisy and deception. From praising the health benefits of cigarettes to moralizing on the character-building qualities of child labor, rich corporate overlords have gone to astonishing, often morally indefensible lengths to defend their profits. Since the dawn of capitalism, they've told the same lies over and over to explain why their bottom line is always more important than the greater good: You say you want to raise the federal minimum wage? Why, you'll only make things worse for the very people you want to help! Should we hold polluters accountable for the toxins they're dumping in our air and water? No, the free market will save us! Can we raise taxes on the rich to pay for universal healthcare? Of course not--that will kill jobs! Affordable childcare? Socialism! It's always the same tired threats and finger-pointing, in a concentrated campaign to keep wealth and power in the hands of the wealthy and powerful.

Corporate Bullsh*t will help you identify this pernicious propaganda for the wealthiest 1 percent, and teach you how to fight back. Structured around some of the most egregious statements ever made by the rich and powerful, the book identifies six categories of falsehoods that repeatedly thwart progress on issues including civil rights, wealth inequality, climate change, voting rights, gun responsibility, and more. With amazing illustrations and a sharp sense of humor, Corporate Bullsh*t teaches readers how to never get conned, bamboozled, or ripped off ever again.


“If you ever feel like you’re fighting the same bogus corporate arguments over and over, read this useful book. It will help you respond to every standard BS claim and teach everyone the truth.

Robert Reich

former U.S. Secretary of Labor and author of Saving Capitalism

“It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so sad: Corporate Bullsh*t traces how the wealthy and powerful have used the same tired excuses for centuries, to defend outrages from slavery to coal-mining deaths to unequal pay for women, through the current deadly threat of fossil-fueled climate disaster. The examples will make you laugh, and make you angry—and then make you act!

Lizz Winstead

The Daily Show co-creator

Whether it’s 1923 or 2023, the same trickle-down nonsense used in every boardroom in America hasn’t changed. This book pulls back the curtain on the whole racket in a way that leaves you unsure whether to laugh or cry, but sure of one thing: It’s not true. It’s never been true.”

Ben Cohen

Ben & Jerry's co-founder

As an elected official, I hear these lies from corporate special interests all the time: Raising taxes on the rich will kill jobs, raising the minimum wage will hurt the very people it’s intended to help, and regulation will destroy business. None of them are true, but they’re carefully crafted to trick working people into prioritizing corporate interests over their own. Corporate Bullsh*t pulls back the curtain on their game plan and makes a compelling argument for reforms to grow America from the bottom up and the middle out.”

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal


“This book is not only a crucial tool to combat more than a century of corporate disinformation—it’s a rollicking good read that will have you laughing out loud as you learn how to rout it and win. Get a copy into the hands of everyone you know, so we don’t get fooled again. Even your cranky uncle could change his mind.

Nancy MacLean

author of Democracy in Chains

“Most decent people intuitively know when they’re being lied to by corporate America. We get that their narratives are propaganda deployed to line their own pockets. But we don’t always understand how. Corporate Bullsh*t exposes the nuggets of lies at the core of their stories. It pulls back the asterisk to reveal the word we knew was there all along.”

Elie Mystal

author of Allow Me to Retort: A Black Guy’s Guide to the Constitution


Headshot of Nick Hanauer

NICK HANAUER is an entrepreneur and venture capitalist, the founder of the public-policy incubator Civic Ventures, and the host of the podcast Pitchfork Economics. One of the most successful investors and business executives in Washington State, in recent years Hanauer has established himself as a civic innovator, public speaker, and fierce critic of America’s growing income inequality. He has co-authored two bestselling books — The True Patriot and Gardens of Democracy — and his policy pieces for outlets like Politico, TIME, The Atlantic, Bloomberg News and TED have gone viral, reaching audiences of tens of millions.

Headshot of Joan Walsh

JOAN WALSH is The Nation’s National Affairs Correspondent and a regular guest on MSNBC. She is a producer of the award-winning 2020 documentary The Sit In: Harry Belafonte Hosts The Tonight Show, about the legendary week in 1968 when the activist-entertainer took the helm from Johnny Carson, and the author of What’s the Matter With White People? Finding Our Way in the Next America, which the Philadelphia Daily News called “one of the best books of 2012 – and even more relevant now.” Salon’s very first news editor, Walsh served as its editor in chief for six years. She’s written for publications ranging from Vogue to Mother Jones, and for newspapers including The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle. Walsh lives in New York.

Headshot of Donald Cohen

DONALD COHEN is the founder and executive director of In the Public Interest (ITPI,) a national strategy center committed to advancing democracy, shared prosperity and the common good. He is a founding board member of the Partnership for Working Families (now called PowerSwitch Action.) He is the former political director of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council, AFL-CIO. He is the founder and former executive director of the Center on Policy Initiatives, a San Diego-based think tank and policy organization. His opinion pieces and articles have appeared in The New York Times, Reuters, The Los Angeles Times, The San Diego Union-Tribune, The New York Daily News, The New Republic, The American Prospect, The Nation and other online and print outlets.